ReliefWise Float Pool

Consistent providers at your fingertips.

Find Repeat Relief Providers Quickly.

When you have an unexpected staffing need, let the VMS system find a clinician you know, and who knows you, quickly. Our ReliefWise Float Pool option keeps documents current and is designed to have everything ready for the provider to join you as soon as they hear you need coverage.

Have more providers in your float pool.

Our VMS allows you to gather providers for your float pool, so when the time comes for an immediate need, you have more than one or two available options. Analyze your float pool candidates and add providers to your network by adding them to your ReliefWise float pool. Have the VMS collect and keep necessary items on hand for as many providers as you like.

Let’s Talk

We can’t wait to partner with you!

A member of our team is looking forward to sharing how our unique solution will integrate seamlessly with your organization.